EMCC 2024-2025 College Catalog 
    Feb 18, 2025  
EMCC 2024-2025 College Catalog

Financial Information

All Fees are due in advance or fee payment arrangement must be made in advance. All current student fees may be found on the East Mississippi Community College website, here. Fees are subject to change during the year, based on approval of the College Board of Trustees.

Payment of Fees

  1. Students can check their LEO account for billing information.
  2. Billing information will be available prior to the beginning of the semester.
  3. Students having overdue accounts must pay their balance before registering for another semester.
  4. Students not having overdue accounts may pay their fees in full at registration, or fee payments may be made with certain MINIMUM down payments.
  5. Registration fees are non-refundable.
  6. No student will be permitted to receive any type of financial aid for classes being retaken in which the student previously received a grade of C or higher.

Fee Refund Policy

A student who OFFICIALLY AND COMPLETELY WITHDRAWS FROM SCHOOL by completing an EMCC Withdrawal Form before completion of the course will have refundable charges adjusted as follows:

Tuition/Room/Meals % Adjusted or Refunded
Before scheduled first class 100%
Before completing 2nd week of class 75%
Before completing 3rd week of class 50%
Before completing 4th week of class 25%
No refund after the 4th week 0%

Adjustments to tuition and fees for dropping and adding a class will not be made during the semester except for adding 2nd intensive or late term classes. In other words, no adjustments to fees will be made after the semester’s official enrollment status date except for late-starting classes. Refunds for intensive and summer sessions are adjusted based on days rather than weeks.

Adjustments to tuition and fees for dropping and adding a class will not be made during the semester except for adding 2nd intensive or late term classes. In other words, no adjustments to fees will be made after the semester’s official enrollment status date except for late-starting classes.

Textbooks, excluding eBooks or textbooks with activation codes, that have been charged to the student’s account and not yet paid for are to be returned to the Bookstore for proper adjustment to the student’s account. Students who are military personnel and receive orders for mandatory TDY (Detached or Temporary Duty) or PCS (Permanent Change of Station) may receive a full refund of fees.

The refund policy of East Mississippi Community College for veterans, veterans’ widows, or war orphans enrolled under Chapter 34 or 35 is on a pro-rata basis for the number of weeks remaining in the semester. The proper withdrawal procedure must be followed, and the refund must be requested.

Refunds of Federal/State Grants and Student Loans

Refunds for the fall and spring semesters: Federal Pell Grant begins during the 7th week and Federal Student Loans begins during the 8th week. Refunds for the summer semester: Pell Grant begins during the 3rd week and Loans during the 4th week. Any outstanding bill on a student’s account (tuition, books, fees, etc.) will be paid from the first type of aid that becomes available. Once the bill is paid in full, refunds will be issued according to the above schedule.

ENROLLMENT LEVEL (FULL-TIME/THREE-QUARTER TIME/HALF-TIME) has a direct effect on grant, scholarship, and loan awards. In turn, the enrollment level will have an effect on the refund amount. The enrollment level is established on the Official Enrollment Status Date each semester.

Class withdrawals affect enrollment level and refunds. If a student withdraws from part of his/her schedule, a recalculation of all financial aid and refunds may be necessary. If a student withdraws from all classes, financial aid will definitely be recalculated, refunds will be adjusted or cancelled, and a repayment of Federal or State funds may be necessary. The immediate repayment of federal loan and federal grant monies is a definite possibility when students withdraw completely or drop out.

Students receiving financial aid should talk with the EMCC Financial Aid Office prior to dropping a class or withdrawing.

Refund of Title IV Funds Policy

  1. The United States Department of Education specifies how a school must determine the amount of Title IV federal aid that a student earns upon withdrawal, dropping out, or being dismissed prior to completing more than 60% of a payment period. Once the student has completed more than 60% of the payment period, all financial aid assistance is considered to be earned.
  2. The amount of federal aid that a student earns is determined on a pro-rata basis.
    • Percent Earned = calendar days completed divided by total calendar days in the enrollment period.
      (The total number of calendar days in the enrollment period shall exclude any scheduled ……….. breaks that are at least 5 days long. Weekends are included in the definition of calendar days.)
    • Percent Unearned = 100% minus percent earned.
  3. When a student receives federal financial aid in excess of earned aid:
    • The school returns the lesser of:
      • total unearned aid, or
      • institutional charges multiplied by the unearned percentage
    • The student returns any remaining unearned aid not covered by the school.
      • Any loan funds are repaid in accordance with the terms of the promissory note.
      • After allocating unearned aid, any amount owed by the student to a grant program is reduced by 50%.
      • Any grant amount the student has to return is a grant overpayment, and arrangements must be ……….. made with the school or Department of Education to return the funds.
  4. Adjustments of institutional charges will be calculated using the EMCC refund policy published in the College Catalog. All refunds and adjusted bills will be sent to the student’s home address on file in the Admissions/Records Office.
  5. Listed below are the Federal Title IV programs and the order in which funds will be returned to the appropriate programs (no program can receive a refund if aid was not received from that program):
    1. Unsubsidized Direct Loans
    2. Subsidized Direct Loans
    3. PLUS Loans for Parents
    4. Federal Pell Grant
    5. Federal SEOG
    6. Other Title IV Programs

Note: Withdrawal date is defined as the actual date the student begins the institution’s withdrawal process or officially notifies the institution, in writing or orally, of the intent to withdraw or the midpoint of the payment/enrollment period for a student who leaves without notifying the institution; or the student’s last date of attendance at an academically-related activity (i.e. exam, academic advisement, attending a study group assigned by EMCC, etc.)

Policy on Academic Qualifications for Recipients of Federal Financial Aid

To receive Student Financial Aid funds, a student must be qualified to study at the post-secondary level. For Student Financial Aid purposes, a student with a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent is considered qualified.

High School Diploma or Equivalent

The U.S. Department of Education recognizes several equivalents to the high school diploma:

  • General Equivalency Diploma (GED) certificates and state certificates;
  • For a student enrolling at the associate-degree level or higher, documentation that the student excelled academically in high school and has met the school’s admissions standards;
  • A certificate of completion of a home-study program if the program is recognized by the student’s home state;
  • A student’s post-secondary school academic transcript if the student has completed an emphasis of at least two years in length that is acceptable for full credit toward a bachelor’s degree.

Ability-To-Benefit (ATB) and Title IV (TIV) Federal Financial Aid

An individual who does not have a high school diploma or GED who first enrolls in an eligible postsecondary program on or after July 1, 2012, may become eligible for Pell Grant and/or federal student loans through Ability to Benefit (ATB). The person would need to enroll in an “eligible career pathway program” and complete at least six credit hours that are applicable toward a TIV-eligible degree or certificate (neither remedial nor developmental coursework can count). For more information about a career pathway program please contact an advisor.

Satisfactory Academic Policy for Receipt of Financial Aid

East Mississippi Community College (EMCC) has established minimum standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as required by federal regulations to determine eligibility for federal Title IV student financial aid. SAP standards of academic performance require that all federal financial aid recipients progress satisfactorily toward the completion of a degree or certificate in a chosen academic or career/technical program at East Mississippi Community College. The financial assistance offered at East Mississippi Community College to which these standards apply includes the following federal Title IV programs:

Federal Pell Grant (PELL)
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
Federal Subsidized Direct Loan
Federal Unsubsidized Direct Loan
Federal Parent PLUS Loan
Federal Work-Study

Standards for Maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

  • Students must progress qualitatively by earning a required grade point average (GPA).
  • Students must progress quantitatively by completing a required percentage of what they take.
  • Students must complete their program of study within 150% of the published length of the program.
Hours Attempted % Hours Completed Cumulative GPA
0 - 30 50% 1.50
31 - or higher 67% 2.00

Institutional Scholarships

East Mississippi Community College is pleased to offer scholarships to first time, full time students from Mississippi who meet eligibility requirements and enroll in the fall or spring semesters at any EMCC campus. A student must maintain a class load of 15 credit hours as a minimum for scholarships.

A listing of institutional scholarships, the eligibility requirements, and an EMCC Scholarship Application can be found at www.eastms.edu/admissions/financial-aid. The deadline for all scholarships is August 1, if entering the fall semester, and January 2, if entering the spring semester.

Other Types of Assistance

VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION - Students with certain disabilities may obtain grants-in-aid to cover matriculation fees plus books and supplies through the Division of Services of Vocational Rehabilitation. Students who believe they might qualify for this aid may obtain further information by contacting the Director of Vocational Rehabilitation in their area.

VETERANS ASSISTANCE - This institution is approved to offer GI Bill® educational benefits by the Mississippi State Approving Agency. EMCC maintains a Veterans Office in the Office of Financial Aid. Eligible veterans are entitled to benefits which are reflected in the amount of military time served, years of service, number of dependents, type of discharge, and many other factors. Veterans who are interested in claiming benefits under the G.I. Bill should contact the Office of the VA School Certifying Official at EMCC (662.243.7470). For a schedule of the amounts of the various scholarships, contact the Financial Aid Office at:

EMCC - Scooba Campus, P.O. Box 158, Scooba, MS 39358
EMCC - Golden Triangle Campus, P.O. Box 100, Mayhew, MS 39753

The Mississippi State Approving Agency (SAA), is the approving authority of education and training programs for Mississippi. The SAA office investigates complaints of GI Bill beneficiaries. While most complaints should initially follow the school grievance policy, if the situation cannot be resolved at the school, the beneficiary should contact the SAA office via email at saa@msva.ms.gov.

Individuals entitled to educational assistance under Chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, or Chapter 33, Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits, may attend or participate in a course of education at EMCC, if the individual provides a certificate of eligibility (COE). The covered student may begin their program of education on the date the student provides a COE until the earlier date VA provides payment to the college or 90 days after the college certifies tuition and fees. EMCC will not impose a penalty, including assessing late fees, denial of access to classes, libraries or college facilities, or require the student to borrow additional funds due to the inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution as a result of delayed payments for education assistance under Chapters 31 or 33, unless the student is less than 100% covered.

DISLOCATED WORKERS - Dislocated workers may be eligible for short- or long-term education and training funds. For more information, contact the local WIN job center.

Consumer Disclosure

In accordance with the request of the Arkansas Department of Higher Education:

Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board certification does not constitute an endorsement of any institution, course or degree program. Such certification merely indicates that certain minimum standards have been met under the rules and regulations of institutional certification as defined in Arkansas Code 6-61-301.

The student should be aware that these degree programs may not transfer. The transfer of course/degree credit is determined by the receiving institution.

Maryland Residents:

If you are a prospective student who will not reside in Mississippi while enrolled in East Mississippi Community College online courses, please be aware that many states have prescribed an “authorization” process for out-of-state institutions delivering online programs to its state residents. Through such processes, states strive to ensure quality postsecondary education, to preserve the integrity of an academic degree and to instill greater consumer protection for its student citizens. East Mississippi Community College and the Mississippi Virtual Community College have taken steps to protect its students and have been granted authorizations, exemptions and waivers from many states. However, due to authorization and review processes associated with some states, we may be limited in our ability to accept some distance learning course enrollments. East Mississippi Community College is NOT seeking authorizations, exemptions, or waivers in Maryland; therefore, we are unable to offer distance education programs to students residing in this state.

Out-of-State Distance Learning Students:

EMCC reserves the right to not allow residents of other states who are currently not residing in Mississippi to register for online classes, especially if no authorization currently exists between EMCC, the State of Mississippi, and the student’s state of residence.

State Authorization for Online Education

East Mississippi Community College provides distance education programs courses to students in all states under the authority of an agreement with the Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation (MCCA). EMCC strives to provide a dynamic learning environment to ensure the achievement of students’ goals by administering instruction, policies, and student support services. To continue this dynamic learning environment for out-of-state students, EMCC through its membership in the regional compact (Southern Region Education Board - SREB), has joined the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA). SARA is an agreement among member states, districts, and territories that establish comparable national standards for interstate offering postsecondary distance education. National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) - https://nc-sara.org/