Business and Marketing Management Technology prepares the graduate for careers in marketing research, sales, advertising, management, public relations, merchandising, and buying. The primary objective of any firm, agency, or business, is to market its product or services profitably. Marketing research helps to determine the demand for products and services. This is vital to the success of the company. A manager must oversee all of these activities and support services in order to maintain efficiency and profitability of the business.
The abilities to plan merchandise assortment and properly display the goods are essential skills for a manager. Students will develop these skills as well as learn to plan sales forecasts, prepare budgets, and effectively utilize various types of advertising media. These skills not only allow a manager to maximize their effectiveness but will provide the entrepreneur with tools necessary for a successful business.
This program requires a particular score on the ACT, or appropriate alternative test for program entrance. Please see the program advisor or a counselor for additional information regarding testing times, locations, and minimum scores. Admission will be granted to a student that completes a certificate option in Business and Marketing Management Technology with an overall GPA of 2.00 or higher.
A Career Certificate will be awarded upon completion of the required courses for the Career Certificate option in Marketing Management. Admission to the Associate of Applied Science degree option will be granted to any student that completes the Career and Technical certificate programs with an overall GPA minimum of 2.00.